Akshar Gyan

A Children's Paradise


January 26 '2013' - “ Umang! ”

Umang was one of the most Nostalgic event for both the childrens and Parents, in the hstory of Akshargyan. Umang as an Festival was celebrated by the childrens and the staff of AksharGyan.

February 04 '2012' - “Annual Day Celebration”

A mesmerizing Annual Day Celebrationwith 100% participation of students grabbed the attention of the audience. Tiny toddlers were the best, the event encouraged, gave rewards and an opportunity to showcase their talents.

Welcome to Akshar Gyan Play School & Kinder Garten

Akshar Gyan Play School is one of a school for excellence in education, believes that learning should become a source of joy and not produce aversion in the minds of children. The school seeks to kindle intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual development, the aim being to produce successful, responsible, creative, civic-minded individuals, striving for excellence.
Akshar Gyan Play School & Kinder Garten is for children 2 years and above, promoted and run by Smt. Ambika Pershad has a vision to give children an environment that would shape their overall personalities, a School that would not only impart education, but also nurture their physical, social & creative talents, while inculcating competitive edge and a Positive Instinct.